June 2017 – S&Co Make-up Academy invited Taiwanese Guest Speaker Lisa, who is a Certified Personal Colour Advisor by NPO Japan Personal Colour Association, to share an introductory session to Colourimetry with our students.
During the workshop, she shared the basic concept of the Practical Colour Coordinate System (PCCS), which is a discrete color space indexed by hue and tone. Through this workshop, our student learned the importance of colour combination. By using S&Co’s Make-up Techniques as examples, our students are now able to understand, appreciate and express S&Co’s natural & creative makeup styles through the perspective of colourimetry.
透过这个分享会,她分享了关于色彩学的Practical Colour Coordinate System (PCCS)精髓,让学生更认识色彩的性质与搭配重要性。透过这个认知,让学生们更了解S&Co妆感的特色,也协助学生能在学院学习各种美妆时能更得心应手,让学生们领悟如何搭配出协调性的妆感。
This session was conducted for FREE courtesy to all our students, to enhance their learning with S&Co Make-up Academy.