June 2017 - We had the honour to perform make-up for Asian celebrity Aki, for her appearance on 8TV later in the evening as a guest. Make-up as a career is fun not just because we have the ability to perform "magic beauty touch up" but also we get to make new friends along the way.
千呼万唤使出来! 学生期待已久的作品终于热呼呼登场! 学生作品里呈现出新娘完美透亮肌肤,保证绝对没有任何修图加工! 和现场亲眼看见的作品绝对100%吻合! 学生如何从零基础到拥有时尚的美感,然后有稳健的技术,之后能完全独立操作化妆与发型设计。这绝对脱离不了学院完美的课程编排! S & Co. 化妆学院坚持保留的教学宗旨:
S&Co Make-up Academy is proud to announce its official appointment and on-going collaboration with Jumuro Music for celebrity make-up service.
June 2017 - S&Co Make-up Academy invited Taiwanese Guest Speaker Lisa, who is a Certified Personal Colour Advisor by NPO Japan Personal Colour Association, to share an introductory session to Colourimetry with our students.